Friday, May 14, 2010

Not Much Lately...

It has been BUSY lately. . . Finishing school and getting ready to move has been taking up much of my time, which means, unfortunately, that I have not had too much time to crochet.

However, for a last school project, we had to choose something creative to do, so guess what I chose? Amigurumi (for those of you who don't know, it's the Japanese craft of crocheting little crochet animals)!! I just love amigurumi (It's so fun to see how your animals come along!), so I decided to choose to crochet animals for my project. So far I have made a beaver from this pattern . . .

. . .and I am working on an owl from this pattern.

*Note: The above pictures of the animals are from the original sites, not pictures of the ones I made.

Then all I will have left is a lion, which I will make from Ana Paula Rimoli's book Amigurumi World: Seriously Cute Crochet which I ordered (along with her Amigurumi Two book) that I hope should get here soon!!
I can't wait to get my books, and make animals other than the ones for my project ;)

I'll try to post pictures soon of animals I have already made (one of our computers crashed, so I lost a few photos).


  1. AFTER you've unpacked, do we get pictures of your creations? (We're praying for your family - upcoming move!)

  2. wow - those will be cute. I cant wait to see some of your stuff UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL SOON! Love you and cant wait to see you!

  3. Now I have gotten to see them up close and you do an AMAZING job! I am impressed! And you are so kind to make them and give them to kids around here. You are sweet!


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